FACES FOR FUTURE – project by Emanuele Andreani

6 Gennaio 2020

Fridays for Future, is a non violent movement of
protest, consisting of pupils, students, teachers who
decide not to attend school lessons for
participate in events where they ask for e
claim actions to prevent heating
global and climate change. The demonstrations a
in which they participate are followed and composed by people from
all types and ages.
March 15 was the first global strike while March 27
September 2019 was the last Fridays For Future and has
had a worldwide participation. With great response
even in Italian cities with 1 million people went down
in the square to ask for climate justice.
The movement is mainly composed of young people
students and not. Who care about the planet and want
change the route towards which man is heading,
or a climatic and geological change of the planet
irreversible that you are already in some situations
Faces for future is a collection of photographs that I have
shot in the two of the three fridays for future I have
participated and which mainly portray the faces of the
kids protesting with their billboards.

Once again it’s all about humanity, one
word with many meanings inside. In this
chance humanity is in becoming aware of the fact that
with our actions and habits we are destroying the
our home, the earth. And we have to do anything in
our power to reverse course. It will not be easy
because it means going against strong powers and a
system rooted in the years behind that will try to
prevent us from interrupting anything with which the powerful
they earn only and exclusively for their own


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