Giornate di Cinema Queer – HW Interview to Ludovica Jaus

8 Ottobre 2020

What is Giornate di Cinema Queer ?

Queer Days – Giornate di Cinema Queer is a queer film and culture festival organized by Zalib, Frocya, CineQueer Association for Rome and Centro Giovani I Municipio. But it is also a necessity that takes shape, the desire to regain public space after months of renunciation for the LGBTQI+ community (impossibility to demonstrate at the Pride, unavailability of hormone therapies for transgender people, unavoidable domestic violence during lockdown).


How was this project born?

The project was born from an idea of Francesco Bettanin, then proposed to Zalib. It can be said, however, that the soul of Zalib has always been rainbow, in our group perhaps the project was born before we even realized it.



Introduce yourselves…

I am Ludovica, I am 26 years old, I am part of the artistic direction of Zalib. I work in the production of cultural event, I dream Rome happy city, donkeys flying and houses with eyes and mouths.


Who introduced you to the art of cinema?

At the age of 16, almost by chance, I was selected to be part of the jury giovanni di Alice in the City – international festival dedicated to cinema and new generations. I owe a lot to them: the development of critical capacity, the discovery of the world of cinema, the passion with which I do my work today.


Which films do you recommend regarding the theme of gender identity?

“The Hours” by Stephen Daldry (first, an excellent book by Michael Cunningham)


Any previews on the projected shorts?

We were very satisfied with the selection of this first edition. We received more than 1000 applications, a sign of how much space and representation is needed for the themes (identity, gender, sexual preference, body) that our festival deals with. Without going overboard on the selection of short films in competition – this is what our jury will think – I am very satisfied with the three special events that we will screen during the festival days, three Italian productions in which we believe a lot and that we are honored to have at our festival: “Giorgio” by Arianna Mattioli, “Corpi Liberi” by Fabiomassimo Lozzi and “Regine” by Chiara Procacci.




What are you obsessed with at this moment?



What is the best advice you would give to someone who wants to start an artistic-cultural project?

Listen to yourself, don’t be afraid, find a strong line, risk.


Rome or other cities?

Rome, for me it makes sense to do what I do in the city where I live and that I love.


The first image that comes to your mind is the word queer?

My first Pride, a great joy


Where did you get your inspiration from?

When in doubt ask yourself “What would Madonna do in my place?”


The events not to be missed?

In particular, I am very fond of two performance events that we have managed to include in the program: “Today I want to talk” about Lila Esposito and “Forces of Nature” the new show of Le No Choice.
Lila Esposito is a Neapolitan showgirl and philosopher, Le No Choice an Italian-Dutch duo.
Irreverence and lucidity are the keywords for these two shows, I won’t tell you more.




What is the dream?



Days of queer cinema…when, how, where?

Rome – via della Penitenza, 35. From 8 to 11 October 2020.





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