AUTORITRATTI NELLA MIA TERRA – project by Giorgia Bellotti

24 Febbraio 2020

The land where I was born and raised, the origins as a starting point, where the perception of time disappears and the value of the place becomes crucial. So where, before when. The environment that surrounds me becomes the focal element to describe my emotional sphere, through an intimate and profound journey that starts from the unconscious to get where everything has started, or ended. The point that made me who I am. A therapy, a cure.

Giorgia lives in the province of Bologna, in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines. Since childhood, drawing and painting are the disciplines she prefers, but only a few years ago she discovers her most congenial artistic dimension in photography. Very close to her territory, Giorgia establishes an intimate relationship with her that will give her the impetus to start an artistic research focused on herself and her inner universe. Giorgia uses the self-portrait to see herself, heal herself, seek herself, without ever revealing her face.

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