Categories – project by Benedikt Roth

24 Febbraio 2020

When I got the request to publish my first photo project in this online magazine, I was forced to deal with my photographs.

To categorize them. Starting without thinking about it, a lot of photos came together, from which one could not have been more different to the next. In artist circles I would probably be accused of not having a style that I pursue.

To live up to this ideal, I decided to divide my most valuable photos into three categories:

  1. I like to photograph people on my travels, from my wonderful girlfriend to rare moments in museums, on the beach in South Africa or in the streets of Paris.
  2.  A great passion of mine is geometries. I like best to consciously distort the structure of architecture to create a perspective that surprises me when I take the pictures out of the darkroom.
  3. I am interested in things that radiate an inner peace. Everyday objects can be captured in pictures in such a way that they calm me down when I look at them. If I trigger this feeling in me, the picture is successful.

However, when I compared the three themes, knowing that  need to decide on oneset of photographs, I realized that i don’t want my pictures to be categorized. I don’t call myself an artist and I certainly don’t want to follow an ideal that is dictated to me. I photograph everything that moves me and the result is a mixture of wonderful moments that I freeze and thus keep in memory forever. I gave up the decision and mixed my favourite photos together, because in the end I can’t be put into a drawer. And that is a good thing.

Ever since I can remember, I have considered myself uncreative. At school, art has always been expressed through drawings or handcrafts. Just so I was able to cheat my way through this subject until I was finally allowed to take it off after the 10th grade. But that should not have been it yet with me and art.

The love of my life drove me back into her arms. I love the otherness of my partner, her creativity, which expresses itself in so many ways. Her artistic existence, her many talents and qualities had inspired me so much, because these qualities had eluded my life for so long. Inspired me so much, that I wanted to appeal to her. Pen and paper were still foreign to me, so I reached for the camera. In order to learn how to take photographs from A to Z, I wanted a camera with as little adjustment as possible. This decision drove me to analogue photography and hasn’t let me go until today. Starting to appeal to my great love, photography is now an integral part of my life. A true passion. Despite the fact that I probably practice the most technical profession of all, camera technology and the latest gadgets are completely in the background. With my very manageable equipment I can capture the enthusiasm formy motives in most cases to my satisfaction. Photography is for me an absolute contrast to everyday life and gives me something I never thought I had.

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